In the morning of April 4, 2016, a delegation from Universitas Indonesia based in Depok visited School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. The delegates were: Dr. Arry Yanuar (Vice Dean of Academic, Research and Student Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy), Dr. Sigit S. Wibowo (Director of Academic Partnership), Madam Ranie Sary (International Office) and Dr. Nurni W. Wuryandari (Faculty of Humanities). They were warmly received by Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean and Director of the National Center for Drug Screening), Madam Ningning Wang (Deputy CCP Secretary in charge of student affairs), Associate Professor Yan Li (Assistant Dean) and Associate Professor Min He (Chief, Division of Graduate Education, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences). The parties conducted an in-depth discussion relative to opportunities and approaches in academic exchange and research collaboration. Accompanied by Professor Wang and his associates, the honorable guests had lunch at the halal restaurant based in Zhangjiang Campus.