In the late evening of March 30, 2016, a teleconference was held among 10 senior scientists from China, Korea, the Netherlands and U.S.A. relative to a research collaboration on structure determination of full-length class B G-protein coupled receptors. The Chinese participants include: Drs. Beili Wu, Qiang Zhao and Dehua Yang from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Drs. Gaojie Song and Dongsheng Liu from iHuman Institute, ShanghaiTech University; and Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director, the National Center for Drug Screening). During one and a half hours’ discussion via Skype, the participants from three continents reviewed the latest progresses and the technical obstacles, refined research goals and mapped out near-term tasks. Dr. Wang coordinated the arrangements of a series of experiments to be carried out across national boundaries.