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Deputy House Speaker Weiguo Sang and Academician Boli Zhang visited CNCL

时间: 2012-05-29 20:16 字号:|| 点击:

In the morning of May 29, 2012, Professor Weiguo Sang (Deputy Speaker of the Chinese National Congress), Academician Boli Zhang (Chinese Academy of Engineering), Professor Wei He (Director of Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Health), Academician Qimin Zhan (Chinese Academy of Engineering), Deputy Director Jianhong Ma (China National Center for Biotechnology Development), and other members of the expert group of the National Mega Program on Major Drug Innovation visited the newly opened Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL).

During a facility tour, Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Director of the National Center for Drug Screening and Director of CNCL) briefly introduced the history and development goals of CNCL. He expressed that CNCL will explore every possibility to expand collaborations while implementing the National Mega Project aiming at establishing a first-class resource and technology platform for drug discovery in China.

Deputy Speaker Weiguo San highly commended the achievements made by CNCL in terms of the hardware build-up, current status and innovative concept. He stressed that CNCL should seize the opportunity and waste no time to make this a core base for technology support and resource provision in pharmaceutical research. Among the distinguished guests included Jiandong Jiang, Lieming Ding, Li Wang, Haibo Wang, Keliang Liu, Liangzhi Xie, Ling Fan and Jing Zhang.

President Kaixian Chen (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine), Madam Xinzu Xu (Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipality Science and Technology Commission), Director Jian Ding (Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences; SIMM), Mr. Jianjun Cheng (CCP Secretary, SIMM), Professor Hualiang Jiang (Deputy Director, SIMM), Professor Meiyu Geng (Deputy Director, SIMM), Professor Jia Li (Assistant Director, SIMM), Director Jingkang Shen (the Central Research Institute, Shanghai Pharma Group) and Mr. Shupei Dong (Deputy Division Chief of Shanghai Municipality Science and Technology Commission) participated in this event.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: Minister Zhu Chen met with Novo Nordisk CEO Mr. L.R. Soerensen Next: Seminar on June 7, 2012: Dr. Greg Smith, Auckland University, New Zealand
