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Executive Deputy Director of Fudan Zhangjiang Institute visits NCDS

时间: 2019-08-16 21:58 字号:|| 点击:

In the morning of August 16, 2019, Professor Jianhua Hu (Executive Deputy Director), Ms. Miaomiao Wang (Head of Project Management Center) and Mr. Kanrui Zhang (Assistant of General Management Center) of Fudan University Zhangjiang Institute visited the National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS). They were warmly received by Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Director of NCDS/Chinese National Compound Library and Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University. Joint operation of multiple public technology service platforms was discussed during the meeting.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: Professor Jiayu Liao from UC Riverside visits NCDS and CNCL Next: Dr. M.-W. Wang holds a teleconference discussing the execution of a Gates Foundation sponsored project
