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Dr. Ming-Wei Wang meets Dr. Lieping Chen and several Chinese biopharmaceutical experts in California

时间: 2019-06-09 14:14 字号:|| 点击:

On June 8, 2019, while attending the 18th San Diego Bio-Pharma Conference and 8th Pacific Bio-Partnering organized by Sino-American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professional Association (SABPA), Dr. Ming-Wei Wang, Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library and Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, met with Drs. Lieping Chen (Professor, Yale School of Medicine; Picture 1), Nancy Chang (Chairman and CEO, Ansun BioPharma, Inc.; Picture 2), Chun Shen (CEO, Genova; Picture 3, left), Mingzhu Zhang (Vice President of Business Development, Shanghai Medicilon; Picture 3, middle), Hui Li (Vice President of Business Development, Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc.; Picture 4, middle) and Lusong Luo (Senior Vice President of External Innovations, BeiGene; Picture 4, right) at Del Mar, California, U.S.A. They exchanged latest information of frontiers in drug discovery and discussed potential opportunities for collaboration.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: A group of postgraduate students from East China Normal University visit CNCL Next: Dr. Ming-Wei Wang meets Chairman Yihai Li of Jiangxi Jemincare Group in La Jolla (U.S.A.)
