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Governor of Gansu Province meets Professor Ming-Wei Wang in Shanghai

时间: 2019-04-16 21:43 字号:|| 点击:

In the afternoon of April 16, 2019, Mr. Renjian Tang, Deputy Secretary of CCP Gansu Provincial Committee and Governor of Gansu Provincial Government, met with Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library, at China Financial Information Center (Lujiazui, Shanghai) during the “Gansu Green Ecology Industry Promotion Convention”. They talked about enhancing the production caliber of traditional Chinese herbal materials in Gansu. Dr. Wang also discussed this topic with Mr. Shizhen Zhang (Vice Governor), Mr. Baizhan Shi (Director-General of Provincial Science and Technology Bureau), Madam Yufen Guo (Director-General of Provincial Commission of Health) and Mr. Weiwen Zhang (Mayor of Lanzhou Municipal People’s Government.

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