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Novo Nordisk-CAS Research Fund holds 2018 annual board meeting in Beijing

时间: 2018-01-29 22:27 字号:|| 点击:

Chaired by Dr. Yongqing Zhang, Deputy Director-General of Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the annual board meeting of Novo Nordisk-CAS Research Fund was held in Beijing in the afternoon of January 29, 2018. Present were board members such as Drs. Tao Xu (Vice President of University of CAS and Academician of CAS), Ming-Wei Wang (Director, the National Center for Drug Screening), Yin Li (Deputy Director-General of Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, representing Mr. Jinghua Cao, Director-General), Boerge Diderichsen (Vice President and Head of R&D Outreach, Novo Nordisk), Soeren Tullin (Corporate Vice President and Head of Discovery Biology and Technology, Novo Nordisk, via internet), Baoping Wang (President and Head of Novo Nordisk Research Center China) and Fang Zhang (Vice President, Novo Nordisk Discovery Biology China). Following an introduction of the first round evaluation results of 30 project applications in 2017, the participants enthusiastically discussed the proposition of expanding the funding coverage and reached an agreement. Prior to concluding the meeting, Dr. Yongqing Zhang presented a plate of appreciation on behalf of the board to Dr. Boerge Diderichsen who will retire shortly, thanking him for his superb services and outstanding contributions during the past 11 years. Madam Haihua Gong (Chief of Division of European Affairs, Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS) attended the meeting.

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