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Dr. M.-W. Wang meets a group of Australian and New Zealand collaborators at QMB meetings

时间: 2017-09-08 09:11 字号:|| 点击:

Dr. Ming-Wei Wang (Dean, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library, Shanghai) met with a group of collaborators from Australia and New Zealand during the Queenstown Molecular Biology Meetings (QMB) Cell Signaling Satellite between September 7 and September 8, 2017. They included: Dr. Denise Wootten of Monash University (Melbourne), Professor Ross Bathgate of The University of Melbourne, Professor Peter Gunning (Head of School of Medical Sciences) and Dr. Greg Smith from University of New South Wales (Sydney) and Dr. Jack Flanagan of The University of Auckland. Dr. Smith did part of his Ph.D. research work at the Chinese National Compound Library in 2014. Professor Ming-Wei Wang discussed with them about progresses of ongoing projects, arrangements of new initiatives and preparation of research papers, as appropriate. He has also invited them to participate in the forthcoming 2018 Queenstown Molecular Biology Meetings in Shanghai.

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