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Professor Tamas Bartfai visits NCDS and CNCL

时间: 2012-09-10 15:57 字号:|| 点击:

Professor Tamas Bartfai of the Scripps Research Institute (USA) visited the National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS) and the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) from September 4 to September 7, 2012, while attending the 80th anniversary celebration of the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM), Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received a warm reception by Drs. Ming-Wei Wang and Fajun Nan. Professor Bartfai wholeheartedly congratulated the achievements of NCDS made since his last visit in July 2007 and the establishment of CNCL.

During his stay, Professor Bartfai met with a number of young scientists and graduate students and delivered two lectures at SIMM. Mr. Jianjun Cheng (CCP Secretary) greeted him, and Drs. Jian Ding (Director) and Yang Ye (Deputy Director) hosted a dinner for Professor Bartfai and his wife.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: Professor David Kingston from USA visits CNCL Next: Chairman and CEO of PerkinElmer visited CNCL
