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Drs. Hualiang Jiang and Ming-Wei Wang met with Sir Brian Heap in Cambridge

时间: 2012-08-14 09:31 字号:|| 点击:

In the afternoon of August 13, 2012, Professor Hualiang Jiang, Deputy Director of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library, met with Professor Sir Brian Heap, CBE, ScD, FRS, President of Science Advisory Council, European Academies, former Vice President of the Royal Society and former Master of St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge in Cambridge, UK. Traditional English tea was warmly offered to the Chinese guests by Sir Brian and Lady Heap, who also recalled fond memories relative to his earlier interactions with several senior members of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica.

Prior to this meeting, Drs. Jiang and Wang visited TTP Labtech Ltd. and TAP Biosystems, two instrument companies located at the outskirt of Cambridge City. They cordially discussed potential collaborations of mutual benefits in the areas of automated compound library storage and large-scale cell culture technologies with Dr. Jas Sanghera(Managing Director TTP) and Mr. David Newble (CEO of TAP) and their executive teams, respectively.

It is informed that Sir Brian was the mentor of Dr. Wang's PhD thesis.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: A group of domestic and international guests visited CNCL Next: Drs. Ray Stevens and Ming-Wei Wang met in La Jolla
