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High level executives from Pfizer visited CNCL

时间: 2012-07-13 18:06 字号:|| 点击:

Accompanied by Mr. William R. Keller (Vice General Manager of Shanghai Zhangjiang Biotech & Pharmaceutical Base Development Co., Ltd.), Drs. Lingshi Tan (Chairman/General Manager of Pfizer (China) R&D Co., Ltd. and Vice President of Pfizer Worldwide Development Operations) and Feng Guo (Head of Pfizer Wuhan R&D Center) visited the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) in the afternoon of July 13, 2012. Professor Ming-Wei Wang briefly introduced the history and development plan of the library. The guests were deeply impressed by this world class facility and its cultural environment, and both parties reached a common understanding concerning drug discovery collaboration to combat diseases of poverty.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: Dr. Richard Lerner visited CNCL Next: Dr. Allan Riting Liu of Fosun Pharma visited CNCL
