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The first management committee meeting held at CNCL

时间: 2012-04-07 20:44 字号:|| 点击:

Chaired by Academician Jian Ding, the management committee of  the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) held its first meeting in the afternoon of April 5, 2012. Five of the six committee members attended the meeting: Jianjun Cheng, Jia Li, Ming-Wei Wang, Yang Ye and Lanzhong Wang. Academician Kaixian Chen was absent due to a conflict of public engagement. Other participants included Fajun Nan, Jianmin Yue, Jingya Li, Xueping Duan and Dehua Yang.

The members commented enthusiastically the contents relative to the development plan, 2012 budget, internal regulations and task assignment, presented by Dr. Ming-Wei Wang on behalf of CNCL. They unanimously agreed upon the key elements concerning the revision and improvement of these documents. Nomination of members to the advisory board and the expert committee was also preliminarily discussed.

It is informed that this was a joint session with the executive meeting of CNCL.

收藏   打印   关闭 Last: Several groups of guests visited CNCL Next: Seminar on May 3, 2012: Professor Ho Jeong Kwon, Yonsei University, Korea
