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The 10th Session of the 2nd council meeting of SPEA held in CNCL

时间: 2012-01-11 18:28 字号:|| 点击:

The 10th Session of the 2nd council meeting of Shanghai Pudong Engineers Association (SPEA) was held in Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) on January 11, 2012.

Prior to the session, the council members visited this key and state-of-the-art R&D facility accompanied by Professor Ming-Wei Wang, the President of SPEA. Professor Wang briefly introduced the history, development and prospect of CNCL, and the guests were impressed by the dedication, vision and innovation presented by the team who constructed this site. Senior Engineer Keqing Hua, Deputy Secretary of SPEA was deeply touched by what he saw and made a poetic comment to summarize his feeling: “combined East with West culture, inspired by science and art, originated from intellectual power, committed to the nation and devoted to human health”.


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